Let us presume that we have the next fragment of code in a C program: #ifdef USE_FORK CODE... #else phtread_t thread; pthread_create(&thread,NULL,clientDispatch,&client); #endif Can you explain me what are these directives, ifdef, else, endif. What happens when we use C directives? WebIn the C Programming Language, the #endif directive is used to define the following directives: #if, #ifdef, and #ifndef. Whenever the #endif directive is encountered in a program, it determines if the preprocessing of #if, #ifdef, or #ifndef has been completed successfully. Syntax
C - Pre-Processors, #if, #define, #elseif, #endif and #include
Web1 day ago · C-Tran staff proposed the first step of a return to pre-temporary fare reduction rates on Tuesday, a move that, if approved, would see price increases of 25 to 50 cents, depending on the service. WebIn simplistic terms, a C Preprocessor is just a text substitution tool. We'll refer to the C Preprocessor as the CPP. All preprocessor lines begin with #. The unconditional directives are: #include - Inserts a particular header from another file. #define - Defines a preprocessor macro. #undef - Undefines a preprocessor macro. rea boho
Tonight on THE ROSENBERG REPORT, an Iranian Shia convert …
WebIn this case, the line of code int table[TABLE_SIZE]; is only compiled if TABLE_SIZE was previously defined with #define, independently of its value.If it was not defined, that line will not be included in the program compilation. #ifndef serves for the exact opposite: the code between #ifndef and #endif directives is only compiled if the specified identifier has not … WebPresumably these #ifdef / #endif blocks contain diagnostic code that's used to output descriptive messages to help trace and verify the program's execution. You can have debug code that is compiled, or not, depending on if the constant "DEBUG" is defined (for example printing debug info). The actual name is not important really the interesting ... WebExample. C DO UPCOUNTER C READP CUSTR 80 C IF %EOF (CUST) C 1 SETLL CUSTR C LEAVE C ENDIF C ENDDO C IF *IN12=*ON C IF NODATA1='FALSE' AND NODATA2='FALSE' C AND NODATA3='FALSE' AND I=1 C SETON 03 C ENDIF C ENDIF C IF %ERROR () C IF %STATUS (CUST)=1211 C OPEN CUST C ELSEIF %STATUS … rea bollier